
foto Post-doc position

Veronica Rossi is fixed-term researcher at the Department of Biology, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Bologna (Italy). She obtained PhD in Earth Sciences at the University of Bologna (2004-2008) and held a 5-yrs long post-doctoral research fellowship from 2008 to 2013 (funded by University of Bologna and University of Pisa). Her research activity mainly focuses on the late Quaternary stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental evolution of Mediterranean alluvial and coastal plains in response to natural (e.g. climate, relative sea-level trend, local subsidence) and anthropogenic forcing factors. The key themes comprehend high-resolution sequence stratigraphy, microfossil palaeoecology (benthic foraminifers and ostracods) and geoarchaeology. Her research activity has produced 26 articles published in international ISI journals and more than 30 congress abstracts.


- Address: Earth Sciences Department - University of Pisa, Via S.Maria 53 Pisa Tuscany 56124 Italy

- Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.    

Mobile: +39 - 3396929292